by Nathan Qin
Innovation happens when you implement ideas that end up presenting new or improved products. Therefore, one must deeply understand what attributes of the product can create additional or alternative market value and how and when it can get built. To achieve this goal, a structured innovation process from initial ideas to concepts, to mature solutions, to final product design, and finally to validation and testing is of great value.
Real innovation requires identifying the needs by jumping out of the current system, thinking outside the box and solving problems. For example, new medical treatment protocols and scientific discoveries often promote the necessity for new tools that allow better treatment and convenience. This increases the success rate, reduces potential risks and avoids errors in treating various diseases.

The development of medical products, especially the Class III medical devices, is subjected to strict requirements for safety and effectiveness, which require a significant investment in cost and a corresponding amount of time for testing. Therefore, during the R&D process, we must constantly consider whether to invest resources in optimizing existing products or to disrupt them entirely concerning the patient´s well-being.

Qinnovativ connects designers, researchers, and strategists to allow a highly efficient knowledge transfer to help healthcare companies design their future innovative products. Thereby, both the complexity of the development process and the investment risks become controllable. Besides, we continue to provide product development optimization services to design better medical products and create a promising future of the medical market to meet the user’s needs.
Since 2012, the qinnovativ team has blended a passion for understanding clinical needs with design, engineering, and business expertise and possesses a natural capability to deliver innovative solutions. The qinnovativ team integrates into a clients’ unit and becomes a tailor-made creative engine for novel ideas. Together, they create outside-the-box concepts with the client, which lead to new inventions and successful business models.